Washable Rugs

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

I washed all of our rugs this past week and had a few questions on what I use to wash them with. We actually have all Ruggables in our house so no need for fancy carpet or rug cleaners. Ruggables are 100% machine washable which is a total game changer. 

They come with a grip mat which is placed on the floor first. The other side of the grip mat is velcro material which is what the rug sticks to. As you can see, once I peeled the rug from the velcro/grip mat, it is able to fit into our washing machine. We have two 9x12 rugs are they do fit in our washing machine but we made sure of the machine requirements before purchasing the rugs. They have a section on their website where you can check sizes of rugs vs. your washing machine.

below is a link to all of the rugs that we have in our home.

Shop rugs here:

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