A Look Inside My Hospital Bag

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Well, my doctor said I was 1cm dilated at my appointment on Monday so I went running to pack my bags. I am aware that 1cm could mean something, or nothing at all. My next appointment is Tuesday and I'm crossing my fingers that I've progressed at least a little bit. While I wait, here's a look inside my hospital bag. I may or may not use all of these items but I figured it was better to have too much than not enough. Most items are linked at the bottom of this post. 

The 'Baby Things' bag came with this super cute onesie, linked here I'm using it to carry all of her headbands and paci's to the hospital.
Click here for cotton knit jersey swaddle blanket and hat(s) - there were two included which I totally wasn't expecting, but happy about. They're sooo soft and I'm obsessed with mauve at the moment.
Shop Bibs paci's here I've heard so many good things about these paci's. I wasn't planning on giving her paci's so soon because it can mess with feeding que's. If they're sucking on a paci, it can be hard to tell when they're hungry BUT I recently learned that paci's while baby is sleeping decreases SIDS by 50%, so we're doing it. I'm sure I'll figure out ways to be able to tell she's ready to feed.
Shop head band here
I got the paci clip from Tj Maxx, so no link for that, sorry! It was just a random, really good find. 

I LOVE these wooden milestone cards. I've seen some on Etsy, but came across these on Amazon and fell in love. I'm bringing the '1 Day Old' with us to the hospital! Shop them here

Bringing lots of nursing cami's and bra's - I'm sure that's all I'll be wearing from now until who knows when. 
Jessica Simpson cami is linked at the bottom of this post.
White Medela nursing cami linked here
Black Nursing Bralette linked here

The essentials: shampoo, conditioner, dry shampoo, stretch mark cream, eye patches and jade roller (NEED), doterra oils for calming, lotions, aloe face wipes (I'm sure these will be heavenly after delivery) and headband. Yes, I'm bringing make up, if I use it great.. if not, no biggie. 

I wasn't going to bring her baby book. I'm sure that writing anything will be the last thing I want to do, but I figured I would bring it so that I can have the nurses stamp her little foot in since they'll already be stamping her foot any way. I've already got the page bookmarked and ready to go. 
Shop her baby book here

May or may not need any of these breastfeeding items, but wanted to play it safe. 

The REAL essentials!
Large pads, Dermoplast (thanks for the recommendation, Cay!), hand sani (because no one is touching my baby without it), toothbrush, toothpaste, mirror (incase I wanna' see what hell I look like), hair tie, Vaseline, face wash, body wash and deodorant. 

Bedroom slippers, headphones, ipad, snacks and my corkcicle to drink ALL of the water.

Camera, wifi memory card, clicker (incase we need to take some photos of our own) and battery charger. 

Some other items not pictured: 
- My Brest Friend pillow
- A regular pillow
- Bath towel since I heard the ones at the hospital are garbage
- Cozy blanket
- Cozy robe & Delivery robe for pictures 
- 10 ft long phone charger
- Some cheap maternity XL undies from Walmart
- A couple different outfits for Sawyer, plus going home outfit
- I am bringing a book but I don't think I'll be able to take my eyes off of her long enough to read it :)

Now, it's just a waiting game!

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